While a robust and dependable home security system offers peace of mind, personal safety extends beyond your front door. Simple yet effective methods can deter potential threats and create a perception of a well-occupied home. Here are 11 everyday items you can strategically leave near your front door to subtly improve your personal safety.
Pair of Sturdy Boots
Leaving a well-worn pair of boots near your front door creates the illusion that someone is currently home. This is especially effective if you live alone or have unpredictable work hours. Seeing boots by the door suggests someone recently came inside, potentially deterring burglars who prefer unoccupied targets.
Decoy Delivery Package
An empty box from a well-known delivery company like Amazon or FedEx can create the impression that your home receives frequent deliveries. This suggests that the home is frequently occupied, making burglars think twice about targeting your home. However, avoid using an overly expensive-looking box or leaving it outside for extended periods to prevent theft.
Current Newspaper Issue
A current newspaper near the front door indicates recent activity. This simple trick suggests someone is keeping up with current events and likely home to read the paper. However, piling up old newspapers can have the opposite effect, implying absence.
Car in the Driveway
If you are going out for an extended period, consider asking a friend or neighbor to park their car in your driveway. A visible car, especially one unfamiliar to the neighborhood, deters burglars who seek easy targets.
Timed Lights
Setting lights on timers is a classic trick to create the illusion of someone being home. Program indoor and outdoor lights to turn on and off at different times throughout the evening, making it appear like someone is moving around inside. You can buy these timed lights from any ecommerce marketplace.
Security Sign Visible from the Street
While a monitored security system offers the best protection, a strategically placed security sign can still deter potential intruders and protect personal safety. Choose a well-lit location near your front door for maximum impact. A sign like “the home is under 24×7 surveillance” is a good enough deterrent.
Visible & Functional Doorbell Camera
A visible doorbell camera acts as a strong deterrent. The presence of a camera suggests your home is under surveillance, making burglars think twice about targeting it. Often people ignore looking through the doorbell camera before opening the doors; do not compromise your personal safety like this.
Dog Leash or Bowl
Leaving a dog leash or bowl near the door implies the presence of a furry guardian. Even if you do not have a dog, the simple trick can deter burglars who are wary of encountering a canine protector.
Mail Collected Regularly
Overstuffed mailboxes are a telltale sign that a home is unoccupied. Make it a habit to collect your mail regularly, especially if you are going away. Ask a neighbor or friend to collect your mail if you will be gone for an extended period. Collect your mail first when you return after a period of absence; this will deter burglars.
Security Door Stopper
While not a foolproof solution, a security door stopper can create additional resistance when a door is forced open. This can buy you valuable time to call for help or alert neighbors, and protect your personal security.
Easily Accessible Fully Charged Phone
Keeping a fully charged phone near the front door ensures you can readily call for help in case of an emergency. If having a separate phone for personal security seems like an unnecessary expense, do rethink it. An old feature phone does not cost much and their network connectivity is still the best.